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If you plan to enter into the French market, or even if you already have a presence there, you should be prepared to reach your audience in French, in order to increase the impact of your message and improve the efficiency of your cross-border operations.
Even though it is called “soccer” in some regions of the world, football is a universal language. But what are the linguistic characteristics of the sport at a professional level?
This infographic tells the story of the 2014 FIFA World Cup from the perspective of a “3D” translator interested in languages, business and sports.
It gives a direct access to key facts and figures for each qualified team, making it easier to identify linguistic patterns and quickly compare a side with other group competitors in terms of languages, market value and on-pitch performance.
This article is the inaugural episode of “French Connection”, a brand new series which will explore English to French flows in terms of trade, finance and people, in an increasingly interconnected and digitalized world. As we are just a couple of days away from the 70th anniversary of D-Day, it seems appropriate to focus on the American trade in goods with France, and the benefits of new international regulations for U.S. exporters.